Admonishment # 712. On So-Called Solitude
Understand that you might be under direct and constant scrutiny by multiple entities: the living and the institutional, the sympathetic and the cold, the human and the transcendental. They might or might not interfere with you, in ways unremarkable or bizarre. Self-respect aside, it's in the interest of dignity that you mind your Ps and Qs even when "alone." Or suffer the echoing laughter as have I.
Admonishment # 993. On Your Greatest Crime Against the Universe
Be ever mindful of the astronomical odds against which every individual has been conceived and born— from the happenstance of parents being so located as to meet, to the egg lottery won by (usually) a single sperm cell. Everyone really is so special as to defy comprehension. The probability of any of us ever existing approaches zero. Yet you indulge the arrogance to bring unpleasantness to one of these supremely precious beings, your worldfellow? Which is greater: your blindness or your derangement? Humanity needs to rework its basic approach to the little guy, is what. —On the other hand, what if the universe is essentially deterministic, and any perceived probability but an index of the relative limits of the observer's perspective? What if, for example, one's preexisting soul/spirit/personality/awareness is deliberately (or inevitably) delivered from elsewhere into a given mass of cells? For that matter, wouldn't the sum of all possibilities be the same thing as certainty (absolute determinism)? Whatever, whatever; you still need to be good to people.
Admonishment # 268. On Letting So Much Time Pass
What the hey? Do you think you have forever? Set things in motion. Grab some space and pull yourself through it. Ripple the molecules of the air around you with pleasant vibrations. Absorb and reflect brilliant colors. How can anyone aspire to oscillate harmonically with your dead-string copout? Time should never pass unchallenged. It should be carpe'd like the diem it is and become the stuff of bragging rights.
Fondlegod has opined.