Come Crashing Parodise, Those Crying Want
But came now a drove of demanders from all about, aseething to be seen by almitey Habogis, saying, What, thou hast retire-ed tonight, witouts doing enogh for us. Now O Lord Delights, who hast made bray and whinny, who sendest up the prairie yip and lonesem wippowilly, whose rough grunt maketh sows to swoon, Prithee, come make done. For we have said, Well, the lord up there needen no sleepf, nor no rest, nor no victual, tho oft doth he sit glutting with us, in his programmes of endearment; therefore let us go up and pull full our dram of him, ere he cut for lusher climes. So, step out, lord, settle our legien paltry perplexities to the satisfactien of all.