Breach and a Sudden Pang
And when again it pleasd the sun to mount and ride the sky, came it to pass there on Highhigh that those bloodhunters willing to give of their time went they up and sought, and did find there the threefold path which leadeth unto sneakoports in the lord’s recess. (For the frontway were barrd by some curses on signs, and none dared to enter therein.) And they rase up their trumpets and blay some toots; and lo, thither came the thundring throng upon the mount. And rocks went bounding down, and dusts satcherated the air to paste an thousands faces with sweatcake, through the which burnd almo fourteen hundreds of breserken eyes; yea, those having fewer than two eyen did outconvene those having some plural number. And wheels brake, and loads were lost, and babes were jostld outen gnapsacs and caught upon the crags below.