![Rapture in the Sweet Symphony of Living-- a raft of change, espionage, sanding the gruel, neutral assassins, Old Fornicus, body loppers, urchins stealing figs, wife Zenith, emanations of civility, abusing of substances, benedictis exhausti depletionares](4Chapter.gif)
Now clowns and mummers roamd the grounds, and songsters, and acro bats, and hotcake hawkors, and industriol giants and their paeons; for the mood was one of mingling and of letting go. And Old Fornicus put a rhine-ed noceros to the plow, and commenst breaking ground for a coliseum wherein to display his babe in any weather. And neath the stars he danst with Zenith, till they gat dizzy and fell. And he said unto her, Long come ’omorrow, swear with me that I toucht thee not; for I have my standerds.
The sun and moon did come and go, and by & by said Old Fornicus, My joy, extended with peyote muffins, hath abided through twenty days out here—a record. Let me journ therefore unto the city Wengwyn Wahlli Da to spread tidings and laud my fortune, and affix this babe unto the folk register as fruitage of my loins.
![W C Smith Book of Wine & Seizures -- clowns & mummers- William J. Schafer](ClownsMummers.gif)
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