-----------------------Chapiter | Thou Art |
1. A Old Battler Rousted Outen His Sleepf pp. 1-3 | |
2. That Voice Cometh On Like As The Very Lord! pp. 4-5 | |
3. Investiture In The View That The Voice Is Lord pp. 5-8 | |
4. Rapture In The Sweet Symphony Of Living p. 8 | |
5. Fraud & Blasphemy: The Art Of The Voice Player pp. 9-10 | |
6. Final Price Of The Package pp.10-12 | |
7. Indectic pp. 13-14 | < hookt in |
<< Chapitre 6
Turkey Talk with the Author's Counselor's Chief Associate
More about the Wine & Seizures Hallmark Lingo: Quest for Originality, and Defense Thereof
What must be understood about The Book of Wine & Seizures is that its component books were penned long ago, versions eventually being registered mid-'90's with Library of Congress. Revision has been perpetual. All the while, the book's terminologies have been radiating into the culture, though some have no doubt been independently derived by madmen. When you discover a guttergod.com on the internet, you should realize that this title postdates the guttergod referenced in "Fabulation Concerning the God of Poultry Products," as is demonstrable in revision drafts. So it is with other terms. For example, an internet search of "A Voice By Night" protagonist's name "Old Fornicus" produces a recent manifestation of the name Fornicus in a piece of online smut. Almost any word ending with a syllable containing a hard "c" (cal, cate, _ic, etc.) cries for conversion into a "cus" name or title, and someone somewhere has likely done it. True, too, the allure of alliteration elicits combined nouns: guttergod. (Guttergod? Are people really apt to be coming up with guttergod, though?) Then there's "men in trees," which titles a hit ABC show. As will be seen in an upcoming exclusive jpt presentation of the classic Wine & Seizures story "When Special Armies Collapse," ". . . for men in trees add an unmatchable dimensien," referring to bombardiers positioned in erectile military trees raised up in the night over the enemy. If there exists signage cautioning of road crews working overhead in trees, perhaps the Author and ABC writers alike were inspired by them whilst cruising the north country.
Every expression originated in one brain or another. In reading The Book, you should take pleasure that you are sharing in the sport of a fanatical originator who only from time to time engages in homage or (un)creative larceny. The Author, a driven spirit who carries self-amusement to exhaustive lengths, has always cherished and defended his originality as "about the only thing I have going for me in this barebelly circus freak frolic." Labeling one or more choice expressions unoriginal will do you no good, for they rise by the score, by the very hundreds in The Book of Wine & Seizures. You'll pass away trying to marginalize them all. As well you should.
Copyright 2007- WJ Schafer & WC Smith - All Rights Reserved |
abusing of substances, 8
acro bats, 8
addicted upon exuberant follies, 8
amusingest fools of the poshest kings, 10
antispacial hypre-skew, 12
anxious merchants and mamma-sons, 10
apehair wispt the humen brow, 1
archogoblin Azozorogue. See Azozorogue
Assassinater, the, 5
Aye Eight Jake, 1
Azozorogue, 4
banging down the beasts, 10
barges & pirogues & kayaks & caravels, 10
benedictis exhausti depletionares, 8
bilberry-o’-th-bog, 11
Bitch, the, 5
blast the fat offen your frames, 9
Bobbee-Bugger’s last lesson, 2
bogies of land and sea, 2
Bomar, cannibol, 1
braindrain mosquita, 1
bucking kytes in the sky, 9
Bullus the Jester, 9
bung eye spittiegitters, 1
burbling butt of the firefire mountain, 5
busting gusher of partisan zeal, 6
buzzing pissobees, 9
caddopullits, 9
cannibols Bomar and Oris, 1
canons of telekinesis, 9
cashmere girdle, 1
chaotic spatial mathmaddix barrd from geommetry, 7
chicken-o-th’-sea, 1
choke us green & senseless, 7
clowns and mummers, 8
Coder o’ th’ Dices, 5
cosmologicol conundra, 4
cream of a millien crops, 1
Daniel, 3
dank folds of the Judge’s negligee, 7
dean of endings, 2
desolatian minnows, 1
destiny’s dashing swells, 11
Deuce-riggd indices of facetwist, 12
Devil, 1
devil’s tobaccer pouch, 11
Dikki-Flix, 1
Doby the Grocer, 4
Eighty Fates, 7
emanations of civility, 8
en notati excessiva triplicoti, 12
endangerd bulky whales, 1
enigma as practist by divinidy, 6
erotical crop circles, 5
everlasting cypress, 10
Excellent Lurker, 5
falsieteat, 9
fannieforcers, 1
fantasy-mapping the fewture, 7
fictitious fangs, 4
fields a-hum with radiasien, 9
figs, 10
Final Say (sword), 2
flashie wacking, 3
flesheating flagellate pathajens, 9
Flipper the son of Put, 3
formidabol phallis, 2
free-ranging submersibol chasemcraft, 10
frigates & dinghies, 10
fun-hole, 9
gavotte unto his own rhapsodies, 12
ghostly season of moonsport, 2
giant Elizaboth Reachout, 1
Glad Damner, 6
goatsbeard, 11
Greer, 3
gutta-percha mucktree, 11
Hairyhoofs, ol, 6
happiness of the big sinners, 1
hemolok tinctitures cookt up by the Bitch, 5
Hip-wade amidst thy misgivings, 7
hoar and high mustard, 2
Hornhead. See Hairyhoofs
hosie-nose elophants, 1
hotcake hawkors, 8
Hotpopocotyl, 3
hyssop mints, 10
illuminary alagae, 1
imprudent guardians, 11
index of facial skew, 6
industriol giants and their paeons, 8
inky eightleggers, 1
inner guts of a face, 7
insinuating jackoli. See jackals-that-leer
jackals-that-leer, 1
Jesting Bull, 11
Johns, six, 3
King Pisterd, 4
larch, 10
loose love linkage, 1
louder than a thousandt groans, 7
lullibyistic coochie-cooer, 5
Malshabazzar, 3
man of callus and caddaclism, 5
man-managing sirens, 1
manticore, the last, 12
marshomallow, 11
mass, punch, power & pride, 4
meatmince with salad to go, 11
meromaids, 1
monkies shrill, 11
monsters, 1
Muhh, 3
multipi. See inky eightleggers
multitude of razzers, 11
Neptune, youngest son of, 5O
Observer, The, 1
Oceanus, 1
Ochsniel, 3
Old Fornicus, 1
openair ampitheator, 5
orchard ghouls, 1
Oris, cannibol, 1
Orville, silos of, 4
parking in the manna, 7
path of pricks & stitches, 7
patsocake nannie, a, 5
peepot shrimpf, 1
perogryne falcons, 1
peyote bread, 3
peyote muffins, 8
phantoms in the fairway, 4
physiognomicol piddolings of Two-Horn Babboo, 12
Pick up thy pole and go a-vaulting, 7
Pisterd. See King Pisterd
porkopain quills, 5
Prince of Leaks, 7
Princess Butch-Voilà, 4
psychosomal dilapidasion, 7
Reachout, Elizaboth (giant), 1
reel in horrers and delights, 7
rhine-ed noceros, 8
rivalry of species, 5
Ruth, 3
sanding the gruel, 8
sasquatchi, 1
scaring the anjels off their chorus, 7
scorcht-out nostrills, 9
scriptures bought, alterd, and sold, 8
scyllae, 1
sea-song pirates, 1
Seti Links, 4
shag coat and highhat, 1
sheep shippers shipfing sheep, 10
shredder reef, 5
sizzoling slice of decimasien, 2
skeletin fat, 5
sludge canals of thy mind, 7
slurpnoodols, 4
snakeweed, 11
spectral talons, 4
spray of burger & slaw, 11
steamy mean pain-poet, 2
suspect flora, 10
swatting leopard, 11
sweatsandals, 1
syphilis pansie, 11
tactic of distractive talking, 2
tax assessorie and other bandits, 1
temporol rifts, 9
Tomorrowfool messeth in guesses, 7
Trick Triplesixer, 6
tsunami, 1
Two Horn Babboo, 6
tyranosseri, 1
unclean thing, which was his wife, 1
underpasse groper, the, 3
unwaxt ocean floors, 9
urchin penitenchry, 8
urchins astealing figs, 8
Uritauenhotep III, 3
vacant gazes of children, 11
vamphyres, 1
vengeful cadavers, 1
venus horsetrap, 11
vexatiens of thine environs, 2
wackamaster, 2
wacking-sword, 2
Wengwyn Wahlli Da, city, 8
werowulfs, 1
whizz, wham & drag, 4
Wholly Hoss, 5
wildiebeeste, 9
Wind Breakor, 12
wrecking-vest, 1
X to the Nth, 4
young woman missing her child and teat, 9
Zenith, 3, 11
Zenith, wife of Old Fornicus, 8
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